Saturday, September 22, 2007

beauty in h-grammars under m-languages

Exquisite pattern formation introduced by sufficiently deep h-grammars is mind-boggling. The after-image of a tree, burned against a crystal blue sky, the ensemble array of leaves whisking in the wind. Underneath it all lies layer upon layer of conversant grammars, quietly producing symbols with certain probabilities, based upon the heterogeneous and open nature in which they exist. Rivers of energy and information flow through these systems; coagulate in precious miniature miracles. A resounding harmony, and often randomness, of many statements proposed in particular contexts. Sometimes, when considered together, the impact of the entire set of statements grows in magnitude, to engulf the being of whatever subjectivity happens to be witness. As the h-grammars become more flexible, malleable, their depth shimmers. Inherently fractal.

I truly believe the adjacent possible extends beyond the last fence we can imagine, even though by expanding outwards we manipulate the state of affairs of a larger space, the space is larger than we can truly imagine and intuit. It is truly beyond meta* which is in itself beautiful.


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